Friday, September 5, 2014


The life of a Builder, Builder of visions, is sensitive to time. It must honor process like the life cycle of a butterfly. Each stage bears fruit, each stage hones and owns it's scenery: its all nameless, all jargon, it all just is. Stages are a mystery to some and life's simplicity to others, for in union, all life becomes a moment's notice. The process, with a little patience at each stage is the work of a fine architect. And with the work of a fine architect, the builder knows if he likes the garden or just the zoo. That's Life's simplicity- knowing all we have chosen to see is all in the heart. All I'm really saying is let's take a walk together, as many of us as we can muster. For there's a scenery out there that won't be missed. A world out there that should not be missed. A scene for the million, maybe billion sceneries that our eyes have created within themselves. There's a world out there that refuses to be dismissed, neglected, forgotten. A world that can be changed in a moment's notice, if you just walked and talked about the world's imaginings and those of your heart. Take a glance, let's create a new vision from old eyes. With commanding speech, a builder's scenery in a moment's notice. Let's walk and talk while the earth sits still at our feet, recording stories of what the world really needs. You're attached to this rat race I see. But the wind blows and the cock crows, it's morning, wow, it's morning..beckoning! You're yawning. Awake now to the sound of your name as one distant truth to all the world's needs. Take a walk with us. If you have to lose yourself to find yourself, do that, we are all waiting to call you nameless, waiting to become your myriad namesakes.