Tuesday, October 18, 2016


your soul will always be the same.
i wonder what you look like these days.
times have changed, the world's a new place. life's left its markings on our face.
prayers you say for a world crashing in wild fire - in a haze - roll off your tongue, concealed by your talk of pies and sugar and spice.. the things a harmonious world might like.
i hear the remorse in your voice - sorry for a world that took this turn.
in your eyes, do you register struggle or faith?

i do, i wonder what you look like these days.. 
once, i was witness to what seemed like an everlasting fountain of youth.
you wore it so well: honey to a bee, lilies to a field... but those were days of old.
your best shot at life was all that you were giving. and those who knew you by name, knew most definitely that on that day that the world knew your name, you dove headfirst into its terrain.

your soul will always be the same.
wrinkles and scars, attest to your attention to your heart. 
i seek you out today - cuz the world needs you as a mainstay. 

agape. (raw & unfinished)

You do a criss-cross on my mind, and I know you're there.
Your love transports me to fields of fascination and rare bred beauty.
I couldn't ever resist.
Paying homage to your lineage, i'm left astounded by the statutes of power that adorn you.
A punctured heart still beats in your presence. Oh, how I adore you.
An Auteur commissioned to reinvent our passions, shall only find God.
This kind of love crescendos to distant heights.
I will take you in my arms through the night and shelter you from the nightmares that visit.