Sunday, November 24, 2013


Once, there was a herd of cattle grazing on a farmland, they knew not its owner, nor their own gentle nomad. What was surely apparent was how the field popped with green and golden brown. This would have been a sure feast for man, in constant fear of unknown winds. Yet feed for the animal, always aware that basics are intrinsic and satisfaction-not greed, guaranteed. Much had been consumed for digestive pursuits: A lot of regurgitating to be done, with no fear that the fields may burn or the day worn. Each fed and each lay to rest with sun come-down.
"A time for everything", Solomon would remark, centuries down as these affairs of nature spoke to his fears, "Freedom".
Unfamiliar as it was, this field; out of routine, as it was, this moment, the large herd heard no mysteries in the wind. they knew not appetite for deduction; to deduce what influences may cause such ecstasy: neither the how, nor why, or the when, entertained their attention. It was a Creator's invention and so it would be. Freedom.  
Their attention, steady, as they gazed ahead and grazed. nothing to lose and nothing pursued. They lay with acres and watched before them, the sun, routinely exit for stars to blaze. It was the first they had ever seen, but they had strict vision or what may be called attention to Existence.
Contentment was the message they relayed- come little or surplus, they made hay with the sun rays.. and the sun shined each day.
Freedom as it were, held a taste for them. A taste all too familiar but always new. Green as it was on the other side, every side left them satisfied. A strict diet to the soul, this is what it was. Earth owed them nothing but gave them much. A fine Existence. 
It was Day 5, and the Cattle were created from the land. Mother Nature as it were, knew not pollution, but pollen; and the Creator, Time: from start to new beginnings. A capturing of a time when definite instruction led all man and creature: that all Creation must serve other Creation. Like everywhere the cow gazed it could graze off Earth's plentiful fields and natural lakes. This was Day 5 and not even 7's perfection. Manna was never an addition to the Plan, it was the Plan; Existence as natural as few fish for the mouths of a multitude. But man must always fall to his knees, undignified by fear. Man-made disharmony since time and time aplenty for more. Freedom is neither strictly a state of mind, nor a state of affairs... Freedom is the understanding of a Guarantee. 

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