sometimes, all it takes to realize your purpose is a recognition or awareness of your thought patterns, & the accompanying nature of the force driving those thoughts. There are strengths to be found in these patterns, and by keying into them, one establishes an understanding of boundaries, & pure, self-directed enlightenment. Follow the thoughts where they lead, and know thyself, my friend. Think about what you're thinking and understand the source of your personal, cognitive force. Be consistent in your pursuit of this understanding, so much so that you see the end in your beginnings often; and by doing this, eventually comprehend the power of all that constitutes your identity as a living forecast of your own mind.
It can be a fearful thing to see most thoughts to the end. As I sometimes peruse my thoughts, i do a funny thing- I find the courage to halt one or two, as if suspended in mid-air; to these thoughts, i somehow command that they do a gradual, complete 360. In doing this, I gain clarity like no other; depth of ages and even sages; it feels even, as though I have established a successful communication between such a thought and myself. It is powerful beyond measure when we think daringly, fearlessly and with great command over our mental scenery. When fear of taboo, of inadequacy and such many fears one faces, as one dives within oneself- when such fears whisper words that create a fog in this your mind-beautifully crafted for exploration of reasoning- you must recall, simply that "you are the master of your fate; the captain of your soul". Fear laughs out in approval at the man who knows the authority he commands.
Seize your inner landscape my friend, and you seize liberty: a purposeful life is lived freely!
Think and think about what you're thinking- this is meta-cognition. When you stumble in a fog of fear, as fear is often rooted in emotion, breathe through & with the emotions. Follow your thoughts right to the essence, your emotions are cheering you on! AND PLEASE DO A 360 WHEN YOU'RE DONE!
Nice, thanks for posting this informations